Dr. Bruce Greyson was the protégé of Near Death Experience Researcher, Dr. Raymond Moody. Dr. Greyson was raised in a scientific household with no particular religion, his interest in near-death experiences was a scientific one that started when an unconscious patient of his described (in detail) a conversation he had with another woman in a different room. Despite the scrutiny of his peers, he spent the next 50 years collecting, cataloging & studying thousands of modern accounts of near-death experiences (NDEs). In this episode, he shares evidence that consciousness exists outside the body, terminal lucidity, astral projection & many stories illustrating the unexplained.
This episode originally aired on July 26, 2021.
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Guest: https://www.brucegreyson.com/ | https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/ | https://www.iands.org/ | https://www.facebook.com/Bruce-Greyson-MD-114742627009060 | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bruce-greyson-4154b4173/ | Book: https://amzn.to/3iL3ULr
Host: https://www.meredithforreal.com/ | https://www.instagram.com/meredithforreal/ | meredith@meredithforreal.com | https://www.youtube.com/meredithforreal | https://www.facebook.com/meredithforrealthecuriousintrovert
Sponsors: https://uwf.edu/university-advancement/departments/historic-trust/ | https://www.ensec.net/