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Buzzsprout Ads - Ad Delivery

Buzzsprout Ads determines when and where to insert accepted ads based on various criteria. The most common factors are episode duration, ad break quality, and ad requirements. Not all accepted ads will be included in all downloads for all episodes.

Episode Duration
Episodes must be at least 23 minutes in duration to be ad eligible. Once you have an episode over 23 minutes, Buzzsprout Ads will scan the episode to find a high-quality ad breakpoint. If one can be found, that episode will be a candidate for ad insertion. Longer episodes may receive multiple ads.

Ad Break Quality
Buzzsprout Ads uses multiple techniques to find high-quality ad breaks. If one or more high-quality breakpoints cannot be identified, an episode may not be ad eligible.

Ad Requirements
Every ad is set to receive a certain number of downloads. Buzzsprout Ads is serving all ads on multiple podcasts to fulfill the ad requirements as efficiently as possible. The same ad may run in your episodes for a while, then it may be removed as the ad gets close to fulfillment. If you have another approved ad waiting for insertion, the ads may swap automatically. There is no ad management required by the podcaster beyond accepting or declining ad opportunities.

Learn more about Buzzsprout Ads on our website, and if you have any questions feel free to email our support team at