So you know what your podcast is about, you have started recording your episodes and you are ready to upload your episode to Buzzsprout! We can walk you through the process!
Head to your Episodes page and click Upload a New Episode
Select the audio file that you’d like to upload
Give your episode a title, description, artist, etc.
Choose when you want to publish your episode - see publishing video below
Click Save Episode Details
While the episode is processing we will optimize it for you! Learn more about how that works here: Automatic Audio Optimization
When do you want to publish?
You can select a future publish date or backdate your episode to make it look like it was published in the past! Kevin will walk you through how to do that here:
Best Practices
Audio file: You can upload nearly any file type to Buzzsprout, but you’ll have the best results with a Wav file or a high-quality MP3 file. Buzzsprout can automatically make your audio sound better by turning on Magic Mastering. This is an extra fee but it sounds great and cuts out a ton of editing for you!
Proofread: Of course you can always edit the episode details, but some people will download your new episode within minutes of you clicking publish. You’ll want to check for any spelling errors before publishing.